Good morning, Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic School Parents. Welcome to a new school year. I am very excited about this school year and cannot wait to see all the students Tuesday morning. I feel like a little child on Christmas Morning.
I wanted to send out a revised calendar, because I was just informed that there is a Diocese training for teachers that is scheduled on October 11th. As a result, I have made a few changes to the calendar. Also, the first day of school we will not have hot lunch, please provide your student with a lunch from home. You may send your student with a snack. October 11th – Inservice day no school November 8th – ½ day Inservice day and Grandparent’s Day January 17th – will be a full day Sorry for any confusion. Click here to signup to meet the new principal. There is a limit of fifteen families per night. Remember when you are dropping your K – 8th grade student off for school, the drop off is by the parish offices. If you are going to get out of your vehicle, please park in a designated parking area. Your student will go immediately to the gym/cafeteria and sit with their class. Preschool/Prekindergarten – when you drop off your student please park your vehicle in a designated parking area, then walk your student to their appropriate classroom. You will not need to sign in at the office if you are only dropping off your student. We're excited to announce that we have moved our Spirit Shop to a local company, In the Zone Ink. Please purchase all of your Spirit Wear, Uniform Sweatshirts, Polo Shirts, and Accessories on this site. The school will not keep any inventory on site except our trucker hats, mugs, and bumper/car decals. All orders will be delivered and distributed at the school by the third week in September. Samples of all spirit wear will be on display at the BooHoo Breakfast and will remain on display in the main office until September 11th. The site is currently OPEN and will close by September 11th. This will be your only chance to purchase logo'd apparel and accessories until mid January. Please click below to use our school site. Thursday, October 3rd, is the Annual Golf Tournament at Lost Tracks. The cost is $250 for a single player, $1000 per team, and $1500 for corporate foursome. If you would like to be a sponsor or need more information, please email Danielle Abedrabbo at [email protected]. On September 13th, we are having a back-to-school movie night. The movie is “Migration”. See the flyer for more details. $8 per person or $20 per family If your student takes any medication, you must fill out the authorization form for the school to be able to administer any medication your child needs. If you want to volunteer your time with the school, please do not forget to complete the required training. To access the background check and the trainings, go to the following website: Below, you will find links to the Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic School Volunteer/Field Trip Driver Training Requirements, Parent/Student Handbook, flyer for the Annual Golf Tournament, Medicine Authorization form, and the Dress Code. Make sure to label your child’s water bottle, and any outer wear they may be bringing to school (i.e., sweatshirts, coats, etc.). If these items are left in the cafeteria, or playground, then we will be able to return them to your child. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at [email protected] or call me at 541-382-4701. Volunteer Handbook Volunteer Driver Form Parent/Student Handbook Golf Tournament Flyer Medicine Authorization Form Dress Code Back-to-School Movie Night Flyer Class Links: Preschool - Under Construction Prekindergarten Kindergarten - Ms. Bowser Kindergarten - Ms. Miller - Under Construction First Grade Second Grade Third Grade - Under Construction Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Middle School Aftercare
Jeff Lee
Principal Archives
January 2025
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