Good afternoon, Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic School Parents. I cannot wait until Friday, October 25th, to have a great dinner provided by the Knights of Columbus and to play some boardgames. I look forward to seeing you all there on Friday.
Congratulations to our Girls Volleyball Team, they won their first match at their last home match of the year. So, proud of this team and how they came together and work together this year. Also, our Cross-Country Team have shown improvement at every competition, congratulations to all of our runners. New This Week
• Trunk or Treat will start at 2:30 – 3:00 pm. If you are setting up a trunk, please be at the school between 2:00 and 2:15 to setup. I apologize for the confusion. See attached flyer for details. • We need a volunteer who can supervise the Chess Club on Monday afternoons 3:15 to 4:00
The title, and topic, are All Saints & All Souls. We will have speakers from Redmond, Madras, and Sisters speaking about Saints as models and companions on our earthly journey, Mother Mary, particularly Our Lady of Guadalupe and how she leads us to Jesus, and All Souls Day and the Catholic perspective of celebrating the Día de Muertos. The registration fee is $10/youth or $15/family. Registration is open online. I will have PDF forms available next week, which I will share with you. If families need scholarship help, we ask the parish to help first, if additional assistance is needed, please let me know. Registration Link: Deanery Middle School retreats are replacing Day of the Spirit (for now). FYI, youth from outside the Central Deanery are also welcome. Service Opportunities • We started our community service project October 1, 2024. We are accepting coats, socks, underwear, hygiene items, or other clothing to be donated to the Bethlehem Inn. They informed me that they are in desperate need of men’s clothing items and hygiene items but will accept any gently used clothing. Athletics • Volleyball has their last game on October 23rd 4:00 pm at Seven Peaks School Gym. Please come and cheer them on. • Middle School Boys Basketball signup deadline is approaching. We have four boys signed up. The Parks and Recreation would like us to have a total of eight players. If we do not reach eight players, they will find a place for our players or find players to fill out our team. Here is the link. Volunteer Opportunities • The Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) is looking for volunteers to teach or lead this ministry on Sundays during the 10:00 mass. The time spent volunteering for this ministry will count toward your volunteer hours for the school. Please email me and I will pass your information on to the leader of this ministry. • If you are interested in a volunteer opportunity, then we have a position for you. The school needs help with supervision during lunch and lunch recess. If you can help, please email me at [email protected] Scouts • Join St. Francis's Cub Scout Pack and give your child the opportunity to develop strong character, leadership skills, and a sense of community. Scouting instills values that guide them to make ethical decisions, all while having fun and building friendships. Help your child grow into a responsible leader and citizen by joining our Pack today. Scan the QR code below to get started! Contact: Ramiro Palmar 407-376-7272 Fundraising • We are excited to bring back the Charleston Wrap Fundraiser this holiday season. It's a great way to check off some of those people on your list. Keep an eye out for the catalog in a couple of weeks. The fundraiser will run from October 28th – November 8th! Community • Mark your calendars October 25th - Family Game Night. Parish families will be invited to join us for this activity. Dinner provided for by the Knights of Columbus. $8 per person or $30 per family. Deadline to register is October 18th. • Grandparents/Special Person’s Day will be on Friday, November 8th. Please see attached flyer for more information. If you have a grandparent/special person joining us, please fill out the attached flyer and send it back to the main office. Volunteers and food donations are needed to make this event a success. Please scan the QR code on the flyer to sign up. General Information • Please submit photos of any veterans in your family to be displayed at an event during school on November 12th. Email photos to [email protected]. More information to follow. • Inventerprise submissions are being accepted October 1, 2024, to January 8, 2025. See attached flyer and STEM newsletter. • Due to construction delays we will be moving the book fair to November 12th to November 18th. Clubs Chess club for grades 4 through grades 8 after school every Monday ending at 4:00 pm. Mrs. Sipila is supervising this activity until a replacement can be found and will escort the students to the gym doors at the end of the club. Marian & SJB Clubs (Mondays at 3:15pm)
Important dates: October 17th and 18th - Parent-Teacher Conferences (No School) October 24th – Family Rosary 6:00 pm in Sister Ignacia’s Room October 25th - Family Game Night 6:00 - 8:00 October 31st - Trunk or Treat November 8th – ½ day Inservice day and Grandparent’s Day November 11th - Veteran’s Day No school November 12th - 15th - Book Fair November 14th - Family Rosary 6:00 pm in Sister Ignacia’s Room November 25 - 29: No School - Thanksgiving Break December 6th - Bingo Night December 7th – Bend Christmas Parade December 19 - Christmas Music Program 6:00 pm December 23 - January 3: Christmas Break If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at [email protected] or call me at 541-382-4701. Volunteer Handbook Volunteer Driver Form Parent/Student Handbook Medicine Authorization Form Dress Code Spirit Day / Free Dress Day Inventerprise STEM Newsletter Grandparents or Special Person Day Flyer Trunk or Treat Flyer
Good afternoon, Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic School Parents. I hope everyone will have a great time at the Harvest Festival. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend this year. It sounds like a great community event with a lot of fun family activities planned.
New This Week
• Trunk or Treat will start at 2:30 – 3:00 pm. If you are setting up a trunk, please be at the school between 2:00 and 2:15 to setup. I apologize for the confusion. See attached flyer for details. • We need a volunteer who can supervise the Chess Club on Monday afternoons 3:15 to 4:00 • We're excited to bring back the Charleston Wrap Fundraiser this holiday season. It's a great way to check off some of those people on your list. Keep an eye out for the catalog in a couple of weeks. The fundraiser will run from October 28th - November8th! • We started our community service project October 1, 2024. We are accepting coats, socks, underwear, hygiene items, or other clothing to be donated to the Bethlehem Inn. They informed me that they are in desperate need of men’s clothing items and hygiene items but will accept any gently used clothing. • Family Game Night, October 25, 2024, 6:00 - 8:00 pm in the school gym. Dinner provided by the Knights of Columbus. The cost is $8 per person or $ 30 per family. Bring your favorite board game or card game. Parish families are also invited to this event. Deadline to register is October 18th! • Grandparents/Special Person’s Day will be on Friday, November 8th. Please see attached flyer for more information. If you have a grandparent/special person joining us, please fill out the attached flyer and send it back to the main office. Volunteers and food donations are needed to make this event a success. Please scan the QR code on the flyer to sign up. • Due to construction delays we will be moving the book fair to November 12th to November 18th. • Inventerprise submissions are being accepted October 1, 2024, to January 8, 2025. See attached flyer and STEM newsletter. Athletics • Middle School’s next cross-country meet is 10:00 am October 18th at Juniper Hills Park, Madras • Volleyball has their last home game on October 14th 4:00 pm at Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic School Gym. Please come and cheer them on. • Middle School Boys Basketball signup deadline is approaching. We have four boys signed up. The Parks and Recreation would like us to have a total of eight players. If we do not reach eight players, they will find a place for our players or find players to fill out our team. Here is the link. Volunteer Opportunities • The Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) is looking for volunteers to teach or lead this ministry on Sundays during the 10:00 mass. The time spent volunteering for this ministry will count toward your volunteer hours for the school. Please email me and I will pass your information on to the leader of this ministry. • If you are interested in a volunteer opportunity, then we have a position for you. The school needs help with supervision during lunch and lunch recess. If you can help, please email me at [email protected] Scouts • Join St. Francis's Cub Scout Pack and give your child the opportunity to develop strong character, leadership skills, and a sense of community. Scouting instills values that guide them to make ethical decisions, all while having fun and building friendships. Help your child grow into a responsible leader and citizen by joining our Pack today. Scan the QR code below to get started! Contact: Ramiro Palmar 407-376-7272 Fundraising • Willamette Valley Pies are being sold for the 7/8th grade trip to Washington DC deadline for orders is October 14. If you would like to order, contact Mr. Lee. See attached Flyer. Community • Chess club for grades 4 through grades 8 after school every Monday ending at 4:00 pm. Mrs. Sipila is supervising this activity until a replacement can be found, and will escort the students to the gym doors at the end of the club. • Mark your calendars October 25th - Family Game Night. Parish families will be invited to join us for this activity. Dinner provided for by the Knights of Columbus. $8 per person or $30 per family. Deadline to register is October 18th. General Information • Please submit photos of any veterans in your family to be displayed at an event during school on November 12th. Email photos to [email protected]. More information to follow. Important dates: October 17th and 18th - Parent-Teacher Conferences (No School) October 24th – Family Rosary 6:00 pm in Sister Ignacia’s Room October 25th - Family Game Night 6:00 - 8:00 October 31st - Trunk or Treat November 8th – ½ day Inservice day and Grandparent’s Day November 11th - Veteran’s Day No school November 12th - 15th - Book Fair November 14th - Family Rosary 6:00 pm in Sister Ignacia’s Room November 25 - 29: No School - Thanksgiving Break December 6th - Bingo Night December 19 - Christmas Music Program 6:00 pm December 23 - January 3: Christmas Break If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at [email protected] or call me at 541-382-4701. Volunteer Handbook Volunteer Driver Form Parent/Student Handbook Medicine Authorization Form Dress Code Spirit Day / Free Dress Day Willamette Valley Pies Family Game Night Inventerprise STEM Newsletter Grandparents or Special Person Day Flyer Trunk or Treat Flyer Good afternoon, Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic School Parents. What a great Golf Tournament yesterday. Thank you to all of the businesses and players that supported our school with our second annual Golf Tournament. I enjoyed seeing all of you having a great time playing golf and supporting the school. I hope that next year I will actually be able to play.
New This Week
Volunteer Opportunities
General Information
October 10th - School Advisory Committee meeting 5:00 pm in E15 October 11th – Inservice day no school October 11th - Harvest Festival October 17th and 18th - Parent-Teacher Conferences (No School) October 25th - Family Game Night 6:00 - 8:00 October 31st - Trunk or Treat November 8th – ½ day Inservice day and Grandparent’s Day November 11th - Veteran’s Day No school November 12th - 15th - Book Fair November 25 - 29: No School - Thanksgiving Break December 6th - Bingo Night December 19 - Christmas Music Program 6:00 pm December 23 - January 3: Christmas Break January 17th – will be a full day First Communion Date: May 3 at 10:00 am candidates arrive 1 hour prior to mass 27th Street Church Confirmation Date: May 4 at 3:00 pm candidates arrive 1 hour prior to mass 27th Street Church If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at [email protected] or call me at 541-382-4701. Volunteer Handbook Volunteer Driver Form Parent/Student Handbook Medicine Authorization Form Dress Code Spirit Day / Free Dress Day Willamette Valley Pies Family Game Night Inventerprise STEM Newsletter Harvest Festival Flyer |
Jeff Lee
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